Pieces of Me: Day Nine

I haven't done this in a LONG time. So I'll be doing a few successively in order to make up for it..

Someone you didn't want to let go, but just drifted away.

There are two people I want to address here. They are two of my best friends, mean the world to me, and will probably never read this: Mary Flinders and Nathan LeSeuer.

Mary lived with my family during our senior year in high school, and at first, we didn't like each other much. She became part of the family, and finally we bonded and started hanging out a TON. She decided to stay in St. George and continue her education at Dixie State for a little while, so we moved into an apartment together. These few months were action-packed and fun-filled times, and I miss them dearly. We became best friends and I love her! Shortly later, she moved up to Salt Lake City and we started drifting apart. We still visit each other and have a bid ol' party when we do, but it isn't the same.

Nathan was introduced to me through a guy that I previous dated, John. John's best friend Lucas had a friend from school named Tanno and Nathan happened to be Tanno's older brother. On the second night me and Nathan ever spent in each other's company, we stayed up until 7 o'clock talking about the mysteries of the universe. From then on we were best friends. We dated for a brief period of time, but ultimately, we were the best of friends. We've been through some hard times but have always come out of it alive and together. Recently he moved back to Mesa, Arizona and we see each other very rarely. I miss him a lot. Sometimes, I think he knows me better than I know myself.

So there it is. The two people I would give anything to have back in my life full-time.



Dear Friend, (12/10/10)

Thank you for bringing him home.



Pieces of Me: Day Eight

This is to a different "friend" tonight:

Someone who made your life hell, or treated you like shit:

Well, you're on my mind tonight. Because, well, you treated me like shit--yet again. I don't know why you do this, and I certainly don't know what changed. All I did was give you my heart; all I did was try. And you didn't even reject me--you deceived me first. You led me to believe something that was not and would never be true.

And I believe you.

Shame on me.



Pieces of Me: Day Seven

Dear Friend,

Someone who has made your life worth living for.

My mother. She has been my rock, my foundation, my guidance, my friend, my support. She has loved me and treated me with kindness and respect. I could not have asked for a better mother. She is my inspiration. She is filled with so much kindness, patience, intelligence, love, compassion, ambition, strength, and most of all sincerity.

She never ceases to amaze me.

To her, I owe it all.

Today, I'm grateful for you,
Keep him safe,


Pieces of Me: Day Six


Something you hope you never have to do.

I hope I never have to give up my dreams and my identity for love. I hope that I will be able to find happiness while keeping those intact.

help me to do this.

Today, I need you.


Pieces of Me: Day Five

Hello again,

Something you hope to do in your life.

You know how everyone says they are going to change the world some day? Affect something?

Yeah, well, me too.
But not in that shallow, unplanned way most people say.

Ghandi said, "whatever you do in your life will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it anyway."

I believe in this. Firmly.

What I do might not move mountains, change laws (or maybe this one), save live, etc. But it is very important that I do it. I CAN affect the people around me. And if I'm carefully, and work suuuuper hard, maybe the effect will be positive.

So, here's my plan:
1. Graduate with my bachelor's degree
(the order of 2, 3, and 4 might be rearranged depending on opportunity)
2. Teach ESL abroad
3. Join the military
4. Go to law school (hopefully at Yale, so I can be on their Quiddich team ;])
5. Become an ADA
6. Get elected as a DA
7. Get elected as a Judge
8. Ensure the civil liberties of all American citizens.

I know, long list.

But I've got a lot of time--might as well make the most of it, right?

I WILL change the world because it is important that I do what I am meant to do.

I'm going to do all this, just you watch.

And you're going to help me do it.



Pieces of Me: Day Four

Dear Friend,

Here i am again, with more pieces of me.

Something you have to forgive someone for.

I have to forgive him for lying to me, for making me feel ashamed of who I am, for making me believe that I'm not good enough.

But I do. I do forgive him.
